Sunday 6 March 2016

Happy Mother's Day

My gorgeous niece and nephews

Happy Mother's Day UK mummas! My daughter duties begin when my Mum wakes up, so considering she went out to a comedy show last night (she 100% has a better social life than me) I would say that I have a couple more hours of laptop time before I have to make breakfast, lunch and copious amounts of hot water with lemon.

I love Mother's Day because I'm lucky enough to have my mum still here and seeing her face light up when you present her flowers and card is so warming. But I know that it's a really hard day for so many, like my mum, who have lost their mum - a whole day to remind you what you lack. I for one am reminded of my Godmother who passed away when I was 18, a reminder that over the years has turned from an emptiness to a thought of comfort. I know she would be so ridiculously proud of me and whenever I see a magpie in our garden I think of her. So for me while Mother's Day is of course all about my mum, it's also a day I kind of reflect about all the women who helped raise me.

When my mum had me she was a 38 year old divorcee with two jobs and two teenage daughters. Nowadays 38 is a lot closer to the average age for giving birth, but at the time my mum was SO OLD (it was the early '90s) and divorced, I mean sacre bleu what a situation! My dad was just her younger boyfriend (only 6 years younger but if you meet my dad you'll realise how young he thinks he is when he says "sick" and "boss"). So I feel like every women in my life had a hand in making me who I am. My nan would look after me after school and take me to church with her every Sunday. By the time I was old enough to remember, my big sisters were in their late teens/early twenties and made me feel like the coolest little girl on the planet plus I had my Godmothers constantly checking in and looking out for me. In short I was ridiculously spoilt with awesome women role models as well as my amazing mum when I was growing up so happy Mother's Day to you all and anyone else out there that's helping to mother their loved ones.

Now that I'm a godmother and aunty myself I can really feel the weight of responsibility to do the upmost for little ones that look up to you so I hope I can do as great a job as my favourite ladies...

Keeks xo



  1. Aww Keeks, this is a lovely post. As someone who has lost her mum, I find mothers day hard to deal. I tend to avoid social media because the endless stream of pictures reminds me of what I don’t have. Kudos to you for acknowledging all the women that had a hand in raising you - you turn out alright ( lol ) and I think you are doing great with your niece and nephews. xo

  2. Such a beautiful post lady, you are such an asset to your family and your gorgeous family are so wonderful (snapchat stalker) and this is such a considerate, heartfelt post girl xxxxx

  3. Aww thanks guys! So much love for you both xxxx


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